HomeAfrican AmericansThe Gingaskin Indians and an African American Community Rich with Native Blood


The Gingaskin Indians and an African American Community Rich with Native Blood — 52 Comments

  1. Would the last name Gaskins have come from the name Gingaskins or would this have been a complete different name that arrived from the name Gascoigne? It has been handed down from family that my great grandfather (a Gaskins) was full blooded Indian from the Eastern Shore VA. I wish we had more documentation that might prove this or verify it.

  2. Some of Accomack were Accawmacke renamed Gingaskin aka Niggaskin Indians by the British. The majority of the indigenous of Accomack were called Accohannock Indians.

  3. Hello again,
    Northampton County Virginia has THE OLDEST CONTINUOUS COURT RECORDS IN THE NATION…from 1632. I have a friend who is the Historian for the Accohannock Indian Tribe from Maryland who says our records proved their heritage. He claims the records are also The Oldest Continuous Indian Court Records in the Nation, also. I guess he is right. The Accohannocks have just received their State Recognition if Maryland, mainly from proof from our records. The town is interested in gathering descendants from the Gingkinsin Reservation so they can claim their heritage and our history. Should you be interested, please contact me. [email protected] or 757-678-7523 M & W 10-2.

    • I have a strong truth that I discovered that I must share. First Gingaskin was a derrogatorry word impressed upon the native people of this area. The translation is to “gin swigging baggy pants”. Second is my theory. My grandfather has told me we are of an indian peoples. I have followed at least 40 families of people who claim to be native american on a trail through seven states where they stick together and intermarry a few times. What is unique to my people and these mysterious others are that they named their children after their important places and sometimes people. They tied in these facts permanently. Their names are notorious as several tribes. I believe that they fled before the trail of tears, or being further wipped out from the sicknesses, and surely due to the laws of the time that would have saw their children in bondage. There were taxes imposed, forced apprenticeships that later became life for some of our less fortunate brothers and sisters. This area of people connected strongly to other native tribes throughout the state due to the encroaching foreigners. To avoid the onslaught and to stay strong certain tribes banded together sure. I will accept that but my people were forced over and over into smaller territories where they learned to commmunicate with other tribes. The most significant of those times being at fort christianna. Here our children went to school with many different tribes and i have no doubt they intermingled. They were christianized originally to try to stay in their lands and avoid having their children placed into bondage. This further attempt at forced assimmilation at fort christianna only deepened the collective native tribes fear of staying in their own land as they were under canon gun and artillery “for their own protect”. Some faught in wars and requested pensions. When they could run they did. They left Virginia and moved south also split in Tennessee region. The southern band further seperated and some went deep into florida seminole territory others went into georgia, alabama, arkansas and missouri. To be fair the trail wasnt always straight through. Some places theyd settle for a bit. Always moving to avoid the inevitable. Some of that florida group joined up w the cheraws. Some ended up on the trail of tears despite best efforts to avoid the white man. The reason they were so successful in integrating into different tribes were the years they spent in childhood learning other tribes languages. I believe the more we speak about what we each know and were passed down the better chance we will have at understanding. We are not gone just suppressed and hidden because a plan to erase our heritage and force assimilation in order to annihilate our voice. History tells of what happened and eventually , one day there will be answers and vindication. The names connected to these indians have been in many courts under mulungeon, portugese, free black, black seminoles. More known examples are Chavis, Goins, Perkins, Brandon, Guy, Smith, Jones, Harris, Brown,Stevens, and I could go on. However there are a multitude of other families that carry the oral history. The census records coupled with the dates and places can sasily corralate my theory. Look no further than their closes neighbors. Our people traveled in bands keeping their tribe close up until the early 1900s.please reach out if you have any information to add.

  4. Hello All,
    I am Jonny Stevenson, Town Clerk, of the Town of Eastville. We are most interested in getting in touch with all who are descendants from those who lived on the Gingaskin Reservation…here in Northampton County. Please feel free to share your contact information and any information you have on your family with us. We are trying to get the information before it is lost. You may email me at the town office:
    [email protected]
    or mail me your information: Jonny Stevenson, Town Clerk
    PO Box 747
    Eastville VA 23347

    Thank you for your help. I am thrilled I found this page.

    • Thank you ever so much for your response. I was blessed to have been raised in Accomack County and lived in Exmore for a year. I found the courthouse in Eastville full of historical information. Unfortunately the records in Accomack aren’t as abundant.

      Let’s help save Tangier Island.

      Karen E. Justice-Sobotker
      [email protected]

    • My name is Jesse Goffigon, from Cape Charles-Northampton County. According to my father, my grandmother was half Gingaskin. He preserved a lock of her hair in the family bible; his phenotype which includes skin color and hair texture indicates indian heritage. Many African American families in my neighborhood descended from the Accomacke tribes including the Wests and the Joynes families.

      • Hi Jesse, My name is Mary Canipe and I live in Meadowlakes, Texas. My grandfather was George Washington Goffigon who was born and raised on Plantation Creek south of Cape Charles. I, too, have wondered about the dark skin in the Goffigon family. I have traced my Goffigon line back to James Goffigon who was born in 1615, where I don’t know, and died in Northhhampton County in 1687. I have wondered if he was an immigrant to the colonies and married an Accomak Indian. If you have any info to share, I would love to hear it. Thanks, Mary

      • Hello, my name is Katrina Brinkley. My grandmother always said we had Indian in our family. She said her grandmother was an Indian, who’s name was Maria West. I am writing here because I find it interesting that the West name is included as maybe having some Indian heritage. My grandmother, who’s name was Etta Parker, was born in Tasley, VA. Her mother was Bessie West, who’s mother was Maria West, who’s mother was Elizabeth West. I haven’t been able to go beyond that but that goes back to the early 1800’s in St. George’s Parish, VA.

  5. LOL, really they got consumed by the so called “blacks” u foolish ppl n ur foolish hissstory lies, the real indigenous COPPER COLORED PPL FOUND HERE 1828 DEFINITION of American, have never left, we STILL Standing, n all these WHITE LIES of the children of the Serpent, R being exposed, my ppl R WAKING UP, n we putting a end to all ur LIES n deceit, may the real indigenous COPPER COLORED PPL/ INDIANS/ INDIGENOUS/ NEGRO DE TERRA, INDIOS please STAND UP. Life before the 1800s, or lies before the 1800s.

  6. I’ve recently discovered that my direct ancestors came from this land.
    ANY information on Elijah Townsend and /or Melvin Townsend would be gratefully appreciated. Know that Elijah was free person of color.
    Also any suggestions on where to find records
    Thank you

    • Hello, Reverend Elijah Townsend was my great-great grandfather. Please, Please share any information you have about him with me. I will share with you what little I know. So excited to see you mention him. What is your relationship?

      • I am related to Issac Foreman. He is my great great great grandfather. He lived in Accomack county, mostly Withams. He was married twice. One of his daughter’s from the first marriage was Susan who moved to New Jersey. His second wife was named Susan. she s buried in Withams 1 cemetery. .If you know anything about the Foremans (also Foeman) please contact me.

  7. My Grandparents last names were Foskey and Gunters. Both families lived in Exmore Virginia. On my father side my Great Great grandmother was an Indian. I was always curious about who they were. If you could find out if there were any Indians in Exmore I would appreicate it.

    • Hi
      My great grandmother Jenny Fosque husband was a Fosque. I lived in Exmore from 2014_2015. Indiantown where the Gingaskin reservation was is in Eastville and Exmore is maybe 15 miles going north.

  8. My brother and I recently travel to Eastville VA, September 19-20, 2016 and the site of the Gingaskin reservation tracing our Native American roots. We are early in our search so any help from anyone would be greatly appreciated. One line of our ancestors can be traced back to this reservation. Any info on whether or not any other descendants are still in the area would be welcome. We respectively live in Asheville, NC and Piscataway NJ.

  9. I have recently stumbled upon this site and am seeking help in finding info on a distant relative of Indian/African American descent by the name of “Mollygaskin” or “Molly Gingaskins” who would have been born around 1845-50 (birthplace unknown) and was “married” to a Patrick O’bryan or O’Brien. They had a daughter named Fannie O’Bryan or O’brien who was born in 1871 and died in 1909 in or around Huntsville Alabama. Fannie is my paternal great grandmother.
    Can anyone out there help me?

  10. Thanks so much for creating this post.
    My ancestors are Wests and I think I see a few plots with that surname on the diagram. I’d love to hear from anyone who has information on the Wests (or Welburns).

  11. My mother Sarah Elizabeth Downing was born in Wachapreague VA to Eunice Mapp Downing. She has features of indian blood. We never knew the Tribe but her Aunt Missouri had long black straight hair and so did her cousin Obadiah Mears all born in Wachapreague Area. Want to know more about their Ancestry. Please guide me where to look. Thanks
    [email protected]
    Dorene Elizabeth Handy Bumpass

    • The tribe is the Accomack or Gingaskin which they were later named. The reservation was in Eastville area. This tribe mixed with the Africans for various reasons and the U.S. disbanded the Accomack in the late 1800’s. I went to school with some Handys at North Accomack in the 60’s and 70’s__I remember this one girl last name Handy__she had long beautiful dark hair. Hope this helps.

    • Actually Missouri Mears Mapp grew up in Pungoteague area, but she had people on sides of the Accomac /Northampton line. She was a direct descendant of Tabby Press Francis. Missouri was my great grandmother, her son Brooks was my grandfather.

  12. I have read Roundtree’s book and I am fascinated by the history it tells. I grew up in Northampton County, son a “Press” and have always known of the oral history of our Native American history, but had not seen any documentation relating to it until reading her book. This history is significant as it shows how free-born Black residents took refuge after the Nat Turner rebellion on the Gingaskin Reservation.

    • My father, Otha Smith was born on the Eastern Shore (Northampton County), Eastville, VA. He is the great grandson of Sarah Reid who was a Gingaskin Indian. I have not yet read Rountree’s book but will definitely get it to gain more insight on that part of my heritage.

  13. Looking for information on my Watkins and Guy family of Virginia who are identified as Occaneechi Saponi today but were originally from the Accomac area of Virginia prior to settling near the Fort Christanna reservation in Brunswick County, VA.

  14. Hi, everyone! National Congress of Black American Indians – NCBAI- held its first gathering in Washington, DC, Saturday, July 19, 2014, at Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ (UCC). NCBAI has a page on Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/ncbai?_rdr
    We are excited for our future! : )
    “Let your light shine. There may be someone down in the valley trying to get home.”

  15. Also – If anyone with ties to Accomac area can contact me, I’m searching on my spare time and would love to connect and share info, advice & guidance etc. My email is [email protected]

  16. To Karen Sobotker – I am searching for my link to the Federman surname. Wonder if Jenny Federman is an ancestor of mine as well. I see Harison Federman in the 1930 Census records (ancestry.com). His son is Lester Federman who I believe is my grandfather…

    • Hi you may be, give me a call at 313/879-7348. My great grandmother name is Jenny Fedderman from Assowaman VA.

    • My name is Lisa Cypress borh my parents are from the Eastville and Accomac. I am positive this is my tribe. I have being searching for a tribe in the area and I recently discovered the Ginkaskins had there reservations and land taken. Yet the Smiths have land in odd places without any road access that they havve been paying taxes on for over a Century. My dad Henry Cypress had two 1 and 2 Acre plots he received from his grandfather Peter Smith. These old plots I believe, are some remnants of reservation land.

      I have tracked my fathers family Henry Darrell Cypress to Judith Cypress in the 1600. My dads mother Renia Mae Smith was a Smith and had ties to captain Smith and Pocahontas. [email protected] 404-643-0934 text me.

  17. I was born in 1960 in Philadelphia, PA but by age two I lived my paternal grandmother Estella White Justice Abbott in Mappsville, VA, born in 1905 Accomac . County; she married my grandfather Charles Justice when she was fourteen. Her mother was Jenny Federman White Fosque. Mom Jenny was from Assawoman. Any information about my people please share.

    Respectfully yours,
    Karen Sobotker

  18. I was born in Northampton County at Nasswaddox Hospital. Both my mother and father family is from the eastern shore area and I am trying to learn about my indian ancestry as I am sure its full of indian history. If you could direct me to a resource where I can learn more I would greatly appreciate it. I apologize if this is not the correct place for this type of dialog.

    • Thanks very much for the comment. Unfotunately, there is not a whole lot on Native heritage on the Shore, although the best resource, and the one I usually direct people toward is Eastern Shore Indians of Virginia and Maryland by Helen Rountree and Thomas Davidson. You can probably look in their footnotes and other citations to find other sources.

      Hope this helps.


  19. I’m the Great,Great,Great Grandson of one Sara Ried who was a Gingaskin Indian. If you have any info or have heard of her parents, siblings etc. please inform me. Thanks!

  20. My Dad, Otha Smith (who presently is 101 years old) is the great grandson of Sara Reid who was full blooded Gingaskin Indian… I’d be very interested in any information I can get on this tribe. I’ve been educating the younger family members of their rich ancestry. Thanks for any information you can provide.

    • Joyce, Thanks for reading and for the comment. That’s interesting about your family’s Native heritage. That’s a significant slice of Indian ancestry as far as the Gingaskins are concerned.

      You should probably begin by tracking down the book Eastern Shore Indians of Virginia and Maryland by Helen Rountree and Thomas Davidson. It has a great deal on the Gingaskins, even lists of known Eastern Shore Indians from the 17th-19th centuries. That was one of the main sources I used for this post, along with some of Rountree’s other work (she’s a prolific Virginia Indian anthropologist). If I run across more sources or information that could be of use to you I will pass them along.

      Thanks again for reading.


  21. Thank you for this information! My husband, Richard Press, is a descendant of Molly Press, one of the recipients of the land division of 1813. The Press family continues to celebrate their heritage and want to learn even more about our ancestors. Please share any information that you have. Thanks.

    • Not sure why my previous comment didn’t post…but Hello again Family!! I am so proud to be able to trace the history of my bloodline. This is such a blessing. Please keep me posted on any new information that you come across as I would love to learn more about my late grandfathers ancestry. Hope all is doing well, tell Dickey I said Hello! Miss you guys…we need to get the Press Reunion started again! I wouldn’t mind jumping on the committee again 🙂

  22. Hello,
    I am a Parks & Rec. board member at Indiantown Park and a caretaker of the disc golf course. I try to respect what it was and what it is now it’s a special place to be, the white man took so much from the Indians it shames to be white sometimes. Thank you for doing this info.
    Roy Ballard

    • Thank you so much for caring about Indian Town Park…. My ancestry is that of Gingaskin Indian with the surname of Reid… I now live in Hampton, VA and do at times come over to the Shore to visit relatives that are still living there. I will make it my business on my next trip (which should be within the next couple weeks) to visit the park. Thanks again for your good work.


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