HomeBay IslandsThe Charles Wilson Treasure; A Legend Buried in Shifting Sands


The Charles Wilson Treasure; A Legend Buried in Shifting Sands — 15 Comments

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  4. i did alittle detective work on this mysterious treasure guy from chincoteague this past summer , i saw him at the pony action , he was in the pen with the ponies, i finally got someone to show me who this guy was once i got a name, i tried to be slick and played the dumb touist and asked about the island and history etc.. he is a man of few words, eventually i got around to the ships and gold stories etc. he had no emotions at all about the questions and pretty much told me nothing. he was crafty by
    switching the conversation on me and i answered more questions that i asked him. i turned by head for a second and he was gone like houdini. but i did find out he was
    into lost treasure and histoirc events of the eastern shore, i believe he he knows alot and may have very found things . i wont give his name out of respect but he has a pony tail and can be seen running at the refuge on assateague and on chincoteague at night. maybe ill try again next year .

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  6. wow! I know the guy who found that stuff. its real , that’s for sure. I saw a couple of things he found. I think he found more than what he said and showed me. we grew up in the same area , hes always been a hunter for lost treasure and things of mystery. cant believe somebody put him under the bus like that , guess at some time or another secrets always come to the top of things. one thing for sure, he never worked much and always had money , lol make s me think of the stories that I would hear about drugs etc.. he never used , sold or smuggled drugs but I know his money came from what he found . its somewhere in NY and or melted back into some countries gold bar lol . clam man

  7. I overheard a story of a couple of “drunks” in a restutant on chincoteage island ( never could pronouce it correctly lol ) about a guy who had found some coins and gold disc or cakes (?) on assateague island . this was in august of 1994. i got bits of the conversation because of the low tone they used but i heard i did hear a name which i believed to sound like terry winslow an native who was also a treasure sluth on the covert side and a navy and army veteran
    I think they knew him but were serious about the whole conversation. I did hear how this guy never teally worked but always had money but stayed low key in his life style. I tried to do my little P.l. thing but could find out about this guy . perhaps i had the name wrong but he wouldbe known by his military service wouldnt he? Has anyone hesrd of or know anything of this? I tried again to find this guy in 1996 but only came up with anothet name which was very colde to what i thought i heard but could not find him, im too old now for this treasure stuff (health) now. Just wondering what he really found. One of the two guys talking was from there and i tried to be casual but wheni started with “ships, gold , treasure ” etc. He acted nervous but said he didnt know anything about foolish stories of spanish ships or anything related to it. Now i didnt mention spanish ship but iguess most were spanish ships but he was almost afraid of me like i was a lawman of some sorts. I think he knows this guy.
    Partners maybe? I found that he worked on the water…… Hmmmmm? You tell me!
    Ive heard of locals finding things afyer a big dtorm or “dredging for seafood” just my little treasure “story” to add to the many. Eli G.

    • Mr. Goldblum, i know the guy you mentioned in your post. I can say i saw with my own eyes two coins of gold and one disc of gold , two small bars of gold with a shape of a flat cigar about 6inches long. I think he had more but i could not see all of what he had. Since you can’t travel anymore (i assume) i thought i would give an old timer the joy of knowing these things exsist and are still around. He often scoffed at the so called treasure hunter benson and told me that he would screw it up for those who aready knew where treasure and “hangs” (ships and anchors etc) were from nets getting caught and have found things over the last 100 or more years. He was right as the spanish goverment won the ships. And now its well known of course he said he was sure they found more than what they reported. I will say you heard correctly he always had money and keeps a low key life style which i relate to his military service. He still claims there is more to find but the satelite tecnology and nosy park rangers are a problem. It really irrates him when they close the beaches after a north easter “for the publics safety” . well thats ill say here. If you were to meet him he wont give you much of an audience especially if you arn’t related and in his tight knit circle but good luck sir .
      A treasure hunters bud

      • I often scan these sites and keep up with peoples opinions and ideas of treasure stories but never have posted on any site until now. I know exactly who the ” treasure hunters bud” is talking about, and I don’t think he would have wanted him to post what he did. ( must been drinking ). I will say it is true that the person in question did find things of value. I cant believe he would put this man in the lime light knowing he would not want to be there even though its been some time since he found these things and is still active in such activities. out of respect of treasure seekers it is not common for someone to break such trust. im not from Chincoteague island but am a “come here ” as they say. after this posting I will contact both individuals about this but im sure my friend has already see the post of the other so called “buddy” which itself is false because he just happen to be someone he got to help him since he didn’t have a boat and needed to haul the scuba gear and detectors for what I consider to be a gracious payment from my friend against my advice as I didn’t trust him but I guess he couldn’t keep his ******* mouth shout after a few years. it really irritates me. I could have put a post on here to down play and doubt this thing but I know it to be very true in spite what mr. amrien would say or mr. benson of sea hunt inc.
        im sure after i ( we) talk with him, there will be no more post . besides perhaps the statute of limitations may be expired by now if there are any. even so spain stole the gold from the natives of what is panama, Honduras, Columbia, etc. so how can they claim anything , if it was that important to them they should have been looking for these things a long time ago.

  8. I am looking up Wilson loot chests and would like more info on it . Is there any way to come and look for .. What do i have to do

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