HomeBay IslandsWash Woods; A Community Beholden to the Merciless Atlanic


Wash Woods; A Community Beholden to the Merciless Atlanic — 10 Comments

  1. I have volunteered at the False Cape State Park for over twenty years and enjoyed your vivid description of this wonderful place.

  2. oh remember those days well. All my family was from Wash Woods. Bobby, I know you spent time there like I did, WOW. What a difference a few years can make. I would still like to know what brainieack decided to tear down Newport News club house. My early summers were spent there

  3. Pingback:8 Awesomely Weird Virginia Abandoned Places - Sun Kissed Hiker

  4. Thank you for the informative post and photos. I read a snippet about Wash Woods today and was quite intrigued. Your hiking partner is a real cutie.

  5. I have family that is buried there and we use to visit their grave sites back in the 60’s. we also lived on Sandbridge beach where my Daddy net-fished for a living. We lived there until the Ash Wednesday storm blew our house down. Darn, I miss those days and want to visit Wash Woods one more time to show my children and grandchildren.

  6. I spent part of summer vacations,1948_1949 in the home of Lonny Bowden at Wash Woods,NC. We slaughered sheep that he raised in the sand flats. We walked there from Va Beach, anout 37 miles.

  7. thanks for the info. we visited back bay/false cape 3 or 4 years ago from the north end. we caught the tram in the heat of the july sun, and made the 3/4 mile walk to the beach for some fun in the surf and sand. the remoteness of the area is both inspiring and fretful. we made it back alive. even though we had less than 2 hours before the tram picked us back up, we had a great time. we didn’t visit wash woods, but will plan on it with our next adventure.

  8. As a child I spent my summers there and know all that was there as well as north and south of Wash Woods. Dammed shame the Park and Refuge locked it all up so that only a couple of employees from God knows where get to use it as their personal playground. I am almost 61 now and loved and enjoyed all of it back in the late fifties thru the sixties. I saw it all and lived it breathed it and loved it and truly miss it. Those glorified tour guides have no clue what it was like before they REMODELED it. MANAGEMENT MY ASS !!!!! Government screws it up again.

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