HomeGhost townsFort Ritchie, Maryland and the Remnants of an Indispensable Allied Weapon


Fort Ritchie, Maryland and the Remnants of an Indispensable Allied Weapon — 97 Comments

  1. Hi, served in Germany 65 to 67, signal Corp. Later in life worked as household mover and delivered a Sgt household items to housing. MP’s checked on myself and crew several times thru out delivery. Even though I had served honorably Sgt or anyone would say what base mission was. I did notice that nothing of importance seem to be going on. Make me think that most things of importance were conducted underground. Throughout the following years I was on most bases in the US.

  2. ISSG Sophia Price
    I use to be station there for a couple of years. From 1981 to 1983. I was a Chaplain Asst. there and it was my first duty station after AIT. I retired 4 year’s ago as a Supply Sgt., from the 450 CA Affair out of Riverdale, Md. I have been having Fort Ritchie on my mind and want to bad to visit it again. I really enjoyed my time at Fort Richie, Maryland. I served 32 year’s in the Military and miss it very much.

    • Thanks for your service…I’m a Nam vet but never knew the history of the fort till last night, May 9, 2021 as 60 Minutes did a very interesting piece on it and God love the 97 and 99 years young men who served there during WWII. Again thanks for your service and God Bless.

      Semper Fi,
      Don Sieler

    • Sophia, I would appreciate it if you would reach out to me! I am the director and curator of the coming Ritchie History Museum. We are seeking items, photos, and monetary donations to Make the museum the best it can possibly be! I am not allowed to share emails on this post because it claims they are spam, but I hope you can find me! Thanks!

  3. Station at Ft Ritchie 1969-1970 worked as MP at the Site… enjoyed my time here with fellow buddy’s. Our flag football team won title in 1969 and went 9- 0 for season. Beat the Marines in finals. Met some great people there and bought my first VW in Waynesboro. Many a good times there also. My final 2-3 months I was a rifle instructor at local camp for Boy Scouts… met a nice girl at the local Dairy Freeze in McConnelsburg. The trips out to the site were good times also…made the best of it. Mustered out of Army from Ft Ritchie and will always remember it fondly.

    • Bobby,

      Please reach out to the Ritchie History Museum. We would like to speak with you about your time at Ritchie and learn if you have any photos or items that may fit well in the museum. RitchieMuseum @ yahoo.com


  4. If anybody has pictures of the barracks we temporary enlisted folks from the Pentagon stayed in during our TDY stays, the mess hall, PX, and NCO Club, I wish you’d email them to me. I was there in 1963-1964 2-3 times.

  5. I was stationed at FT Ritchie in 73 and 74 worked in Site R. worked in crypto doing changes and in Tech control monitoring Ckts from all over the world. I got married while working there. Enjoyed working inside the mountain.

    • My ex-husband was stationed at Fort Ritchie 1972-1974, He also worked in Site R and in Tech Control. You may have known each other…his name is Paul Stephenson.

  6. Current update on Fort Ritchie …

    JGBLI, the South Korean business that has been hired by Washington County to (over)develop the former base, has had little luck in finding investors, builders, etc.

    They intend to build a massive mixed-use development to include hotels, conference center, bio-medical/industrial complex, educational facilities, housing for about 3000 and a shopping center. So far — and thankfully — some potential investors have backed out, while others have not yet given a total commitment.

    Washington County government GAVE the private, for-profit corporation over 60 acres of land in the old fort to do as they please. It is an unfortunate, politically corrupt plan that has scarred the history of both the fort and the small, rural mountaintop town of Cascade.

    There are numerous news media stories related to this plan dating back to the summer of 2016 (July to be exact). Feel free to Google the news stories to keep up with the past and latest info.

  7. I was stationed at Ft. Richie 1958-1959 as a cryptographer. One of the most exciting and interesting years of my life. So sad to read about what has happened to it.

    • Nancy, I left Fort Ritchie in 1956, worked at Site C, Microwave Tower at the top of the mountain , had many friends at Raven Rock working Cryptography, very interesting time of my life too!!!

      • Nick
        There is a slight chance that we knew some of the same people at Ft. Ritchie. I am interested in what led you to this site after so many years. As for me, I was looking for information on the current gatherings at Camp David and for some reason it brought back memories of my time at Ft. Richie. I never knew that Site R was named Raven Rock, so thanks to you I have had fun reading about it.
        Served as Nancy Manning

        • Nancy, I intend to take a trip back to the area this summer, would like to see how it looks now . Got married while serving there in 1954, and sad to say but lost my wife last year after 62 years. We lived at Blue Ridge Summit , in an apartment house with 4 other couples that all worked at Fort Ritchie. Two of our friends in other apartments were also working in Cryptography, one’s name was Eisenhower, the other was Kieth ( can’t remember his last name) from Lamarck, Illinois., Had a very interesting time there, also helped to set up communication between Camp David and Ritchie, also between Pres. Eisenhower ‘s farm in Gettysburg and Ft. Ritchie!
          Nick Santoleri

          • Nick, our parents we stationed at Ritchie and worked at the Site. My wife’s father was also in Crypto. We were married at Ritchie more that 42 years ago and have MANY fond memories of the base. If you search on you tube for Fort Ritchie 4K I have 8 clips of Ritchie that are about 1.5 years ago. It will not look the same as it was. I live about 20 minutes from Ritchie and visit often.


        • Nancy, I intend to take a trip back to the area this summer, would like to see how it looks now . Got married while serving there in 1954, and sad to say but lost my wife last year after 62 years. We lived at Blue Ridge Summit , in an apartment house with 4 other couples that all worked at Fort Ritchie. Two of our friends in other apartments were also working in Cryptography, one’s name was Eisenhower, the other was Kieth ( can’t remember his last name) from Lamarck, Illinois., Had a very interesting time there, also helped to set up communication between Camp David and Ritchie, also between Pres. Eisenhower ‘s farm in Gettysburg and Ft. Ritchie! , what led me to this site was that I am writing my Autobiography so that my grandchildren and great grandchildren will know about that part of my life !
          Nick Santoleri

          • Nick
            I enjoyed reading your response. I am sorry about your losing your wife. I do envy you for being able to take a trip back there this summer. I would love to visit the old place but unfortunately I live way out west (Nevada) and it is way too far for me. I have no connections in the Eastern part of the country. What a wonderful idea to write your autobiography for your grandkids and great grandkids.
            If you do end up going, check and see if the old WAC barracks are still there. I spent a lot of time there when I wasn’t at site R. Also spent a lot of time at a bar and dance hall in Waynesboro. Can’t remember the name. At least I think it was in Waynesboro. Bar in front and huge dance floor in the back. I was only 19 or 20. Thank goodness for “fake ID.”

            • Good evening Nick, All of the barracks have been torn down. Just about all of the building to the left of the finger building are gone as well as many other building that were not stone. I live only 20 minutes from Ritchie and go there often since my parents were stationed there and go married in the post Chapel in 1975 (it is still there). Google you tube for Fort Ritchie 4K. There is 4K drone video of the entire base as on about 1.5 years ago. If there is any specific areas that you would like to get just let me know.


              • Ron,
                What can you tell me about the receiver site ? If not mistaken, it was site ‘B’. I was stationed there in 1961 while waiting to be assigned elsewhere.

                • After reading more of the blogs it sounds like the place that you are asking about may have been a site out on the Sharpsburg Pike that is now the county ag center. There are several people that posted about that site calling it the receiver site and site B.


                • I do not know of a receiver site at Ritchie, but there was one mentioned just outside of site R. Was site B located at Ritchie, if so where about? The buildings may have been there but I just did not know what they were for.


                  • Ron,

                    I always heard it referred to as Site ‘B’ located in the vicinity of Sharpsburg, MD; only three buildings there at the time. There was also a sister [U.S. Army] HF transmitter site at Greencastle. PA.
                    Question: Was Fort Ritchie a U.S. Army facility only ?
                    It would have been nice to have had a vehicle at the time instead of having to depend on the higher rank’s kindness.

                    regards, Jack

                    • Back in the middle 50’s, a receiver site was in Hagerstown, Md and a transmitter site was in Waynesboro, Pa. , I visited the transmitter site several times. But never went to receiver site. We worked with both sites at that time using the WAR network, at site C , we received info from both sites by land wire and transferred the info to our microwave system !

                    • Thanks Ron. As mentioned, I was there only a short while, awaiting assignment elsewhere. While there, I never remember the receivers actively used; always on standby. But we were a SAC [Looking Glass] contact. Just today, I understand the 3 main buildings are still there. Jack

                • Jack, It was controlled by the Maryland National Guard from 1926–1942 the US Army activated the Military Intelligence Training Center (MITC) on June 19, 1942 and trained 19,600 intelligence troops, including the Ritchie Boys Support for Raven Rock Mountain Complex transferred to Fort Detrick on October 1, 1997 (info per Wikipedia). I have one of the original signed1500 copies of the Fort Ritchie book and it details Ritchie from the very start and shows all of the different types of training at the base it is unbelievable. I just can’t remember all of that info.


                  • I’m just wondering if anyone knew my grandfather Louis(LEW) Joseph Stone – He was Army – Russian Jew- I was always told he was a spy Born 1892- death May 1969

  8. Is the Microwave Tower on top of Mt. Quirock, which was serviced by personale at Fort Ritchie still in existence, that was part of my job in 1954 and 1955 ???

      • If Site C is still there, who is manning it ?, it was a pretty secure site in the 50s, transmitting some highly classified information !!!

        • Sorry for the late reply …

          The U.S. Army (Signal Corps, I believe) still runs the site in conjunction with Site R, Camp David, etc. It is still very much secure. In addition the normal security features, the Pentagon Defense Protection Agency police are on site.

  9. We have been donated a group photograph depicting CCC enrollees who served at Fort Ritchie. Photo description: 377 Co. CCC, Camp Ritchie, Date August 1933.
    Photo by – Hiedwohl Studio Hagerstown, MD. Do you know if Fort Ritchie ever served as an orientation center for the CCC? I ask this question, because the two locations where Co. 377 served are in western Maryland and are not within the parameters for distance traveled to and from a CCC camp.

  10. Good evening all, both my dad and my wife’s dad were stationed at Ritchie in the early 70’s. I met my wife Diana at the tennis courts behind the NCO club and were married in the post Chapel more that 42 years ago. So as you can imagine it REALY hurts to see what has been done to the Fort. We have a lot of pics of many places on the Fort prior to the Destruction that has gone on for many years. I was also given approval to do a complete Drone overflight in 4K of the entire base. There are 8 clips on you tube under Fort Ritchie 4k. We have only the best of memories of the Fort and I make trips there often but it is too painful for Diana to go. The NCO housing that I lived in has been long gone but the officers housing that my wife lived in is still there (for now). So many of the placed that Diana & I have Great memories no longer there.

  11. Good morning all,
    I am Najaneiro Handley served as the NCOIC, Military Personnel Division, Fort Ritchie, MD 1994-1998. I was the last official Soldier who closed the gates of Fort Ritchie for military operations along with my supervisor Chief, Military Personnel Division, Mr. Joseph Himelick. The best place ever and I’m sadden by the lack of prosperity for Ft Ritchie.

    • Thanks for your service to Fort Ritchie, Najaneiro.
      Good to know it was in good hands in the last days.

      • Served at Fort Ritchie in 1954 and 1955, operated the Microwave Tower at Site C, interesting work with WAR Network, and serving Raven Rock, 1st underground Pentagon!!! Is Site C the microwave installation on top of Mt. Quirock still in operation ??? I remember fishing in the lake ! While operating the Site C Microwave station top of the mountain , in 1955, around August or Sept of that year we had a blackout of Federal bldgs in Washington DC, UFO sited over D C , part of our Microwave loop was Andrews Air Force base where pilots were sent up to investigate, I’ll never forget that night!!!

  12. I was stationed at Fort Ritchie in 1963 – 1964 with the Military Police. My wife and I visited the fort today for the first time in 53 years. Very sad to see such an important part of history disappear. I hope at least a portion of the fort can be preserved for our children.

  13. My Father was stationed at Fort Richie around 1965-1968. I was only 4-7 yrs old but my fondest memories are of Fort Richie and how beautiful it was. I went to Cascade Elementary School and hope to make a trip out there again someday. I so appreciate the reflections and comments of those who were also stationed there; thank you. (Sad to see the general state I’d disrepair at the Fort). My Father’s name was MSGT Dick Terpstra. If that rings any bells I’d welcome an email!

  14. I was stationed at Ft Ritchie in 1971-1972. It was the Army support base for Camp David and Site R. Post Sgt Major Bowling was my girlfriends (Sandy) father. Great fishing in the upper lake. Lots of good memories there. Sad to see it being neglected.

  15. I served as an MP @ Fort (Camp) Ritchie during 1978-1980. I loved this old base, where I stood as the Main Gate guard on many a cold night! The guard shack & MP Station were on the left, as you entered the Main Gate. I’ll be praying for the preservation of Camp Ritchie’s beautiful old stone buildings, before they disintegrate. Thanks for keeping us all apprised of what’s going on @ Camp Ritchie. All the best,

  16. I should further note that I (we) have pushed the county to create a museum and memorial on the old fort should the development plan progress. As it was noted, there is sand from Normandy at the site. That sand is sacred and must be saved along with many of the old buildings that still exist.

    My grandfather, Col. Russ Kennedy, served in the United States Army during WWII. He was assigned to OSS among other things. My father served in the United States Army during the Korean War. He was recently interred at Arlington. I have personal reasons for wanting to save the history and dignity of (Camp) Fort Ritchie.

    • There is a small museum area in the very nice new County Recreation Center on the fort. They also sell some books and have had some programs about Ft Ritchie’s history. Washington County is preserving the parade grounds, lake and some of the beautiful stone buildings. My father served there during WWII and shared fond memories of the experience.

  17. In July 2016, we were blindsided by a new development plan for Fort Ritchie submitted by Washington County government officials. Over the course of time, they conducted backdoor meetings (that should have been open to the public) and spent hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars traveling to South Korea seeking investors. PENMAR was dissolved and the county took over ownership of the old fort. JGBLI, the private Korean company appointed by the county to find investors, renovated a building on site which now houses their office. Unfortunately, they have already demolished a couple of the old houses and structures, with plans to demolish many more. There has been ongoing work inside and outside of buildings for several months.

    Initially, the county commissioners provided very few details of their new “over-development plan” to the public. After we contacted the media, spoke to newspaper and television reporters, held rallies/protests and created a petition against the plan, the county finally figured out it was going to be held accountable.

    To this date, the (former) county administrator was let go, a county commissioner is being sued for sexual harassment that occurred during a trip to South Korea (on the taxpayer’s dime), and they now have a public meeting on the project on June 15, 2017 at 6PM at the Fort Ritchie Community Center.

    Cascade is a small, rural mountain town. This is no place for such over-development as proposed. There will be major changes to infrastructure, increased population, increased traffic, increased accidents, increased crime and increased fire-rescue/EMS emergencies … all due to this renewed development effort of Fort Ritchie. The county has thus far failed to indicate how they will make these changes to infrastructure, and how they will supplement emergency services to deal with the development.

    It is very noteworthy that the county commissioners publicly stated that they anticipate making millions of dollars in revenue at the initial stages of the development. They also noted their expectation of making millions more as time goes on, with the very real possibility that taxes will increase for local residents.

  18. I was stationed at Fort Ritchie in 55 & 56…. My future wife was assigned there from 54 to 56…. We met in August 55, were maried in 57…. Will celebrate our 60th Wedding Aniversary July 20th, 2017….

    • Congratulations! My husband and I were married in the beautiful officers club on the lake in 06. I wish the fort and surrounding town was still as well taken care of now as you probably remember it. Enjoy your anniversary.

  19. I got to spend a week or so inside the mountain at Ft. Richie for Operation High Heels 67, working as a courier for The Joint Chiefs Of Staff. We simulated WWIII. What is left of it now?

    • Hi John, Site R is still working but Fort Ritchie is closed it is a mess they are not during any thing. Right with a old base . I wa station there from. Aug 73 thru Dec 75.
      It was one of my best duty stations
      Kevin Abbott

      • Hi Kevin, you’re right, they are not doing this beautiful old base justice. Our buildings are being vandilized and squatted in, and now our local commissioners are GIVING away the front 63 acres (officers club, lakes, buildings,castle etc) to a international Korean development company as an incentive to sell it. They have no plans that any of the locals are interested in either so it is a mess:( I pray I win the lottery so I can make this a place to remember and honor all of you that protected this mountain and country for so long. We are the ONLY fort that has 1. Sand from D-day at Normandy, 2. A historic parade field and 3. I would love to recreate the mock german village they had during the Ritchie Boy days. We have soooo many military historians in this area being directly between Gettysburg and Antietam but our place goes overlooked. Thank you for your services, as a life long resident I remember how this fort made our little town alive, I hope one day to see it again.

  20. Agent Orange was used at Ft. Ritchie twice and, for those who drank the water, the EPA has reported ground water contamination. Although folks are no longer drinking the water from the Ritchie treatment plant those who were stationed there over the decades did consume the water and all the stuff it had to offer. Just search Fort Ritchie and EPA or Agent Orange.

    • Hey Ray, thanks for that info. Where was the treatment plant? Beside the fort onnthe other side of the tracks/lakes? If so, that is the plant that is currently used for the town.

      • Storer, I was stationed at the “Rock” from 1968 to 1976 at the Air Force Emergency Operations Center as an Illustrator went from A1C to MSgt. I also was the cook at the NCO Club and Officer’s Club for seven years. The whole NCO Club was staffed by Air Force personnel except the Club Steward. Got my BA in Art Ed at Sheppard College While there and my wife and I had 3 children there. Sure would like to see The “Rock” again and the Bue Ridge Summit Diner and Old Gray Stone Inn.

        • Hi Frank, I got married in the beautiful officers clun in 06 but its closed now, the whole property is except a new (2009) community center where the gym stood. High rock is the “rock” I think right? In pen-mar by the communications tower, it’s still open today but we have alot of injuries there yearly, falls, deaths, civilians traipsing accross military property against signs, so it won’t be long before its gone too. The Blue Ridge Diner is there but called “Mountain Shadows” now and Im not sure about where the Inn was, I’m sorry. Our town and the old fort is in trouble these days. No help, no local funds, and developers back out the second they learn the actual development of the property is difficult or near impossible due to not being properly cleaned up after decades of military operations on it. It’s a very sad thing to watch and even sadder living up here now, knowing what it could be. I hope you get to revisit one day.

  21. This is for Bear the Service Officer: Buddy, I can’t imagine any reason for Agent Orange to be used or stored anywhere near Fort Ritchie.

    On a different topic, I am in touch by email, (on a daily basis) with a retired Command SGM who I first met in 1958 when we both got assigned to Ft. Ritchie. We both had the same MOS and for the next 20 plus years we followed each other around the world until I retired with 21 years in 1978,, My friend stayed on and retired somewhere around 1990. He managed to get Ft. Ritchie as his final assignment and then became a civil servant at the Fort . During his years as a DAC he had a home built in Pen Mar where he still lives today. I was thinking about the receiver site last night after a phone call from my buddy in Pen Mar. I was recalling some of the guys I knew and worked with at Det. B way back then, such as 1sgt Bill Miller, Westly Quick (our cook), Bob Kronz radio operator, SFC Faircloth, and a dog handler SP4 Stroud. When I last visited Det.B in 1997 My son and I stopped in at the Red Bird Diner along the road to Sharpsburg. It was under new management but I had missed the original owners by just a few months. They had sold the place and moved to Florida. Well, enough of my ramblings, I hope at least one of the people I’ve mentioned here read this and are surprised that someone remembers them after all these years.

  22. I was told that the Fort Ritchie was well-known to have been contaminated with Agent Orange herbicide. Does anyone know that as a fact? Not trying to spread fear and bull-stuff, but just trying to get a handle on facts to possibly assist a veteran with a claim.

    • Yes, Fort Ritchie was one of the first places in CONUS where Agent Orange was tested. It is on the VA’s list of known sites. Had they not sold Ritchie for development we would have likely never know because that Army denied Ritchie was a test site until COPT was ready to develop part of Ritchie proper for civilian agencies. If you do research be sure and check water tests as a lot of soldiers drank treated water from those lakes, Had 800,000 soldiers a year gone through Ritchie rather than 800 congress would have likely acted on the Agent Orange issue some time ago. As it stands if you were stationed at Ritchie you are still quite expendable.

      • Don your right I checked with VA and was denied. They sprayed Ft Ritchie in 1956&1963. I was stationed their from 1960-63 assigned to the message center with Sgt freshman we still stay in contact. Couldn’t ask for better duty.

  23. I was stationed at Fort Ritchie Maryland from July 63 through October 64. Was there when JFK was sadly assassinated. I was first in personnel. I remember taking the polygraph test before remaining there and my assignment there. Later I did pro-pay testing as well as all other test when personnel requested for OCS, MOS change, Rotor-Wing helicopter test etc. Really loved the place. On weekends I played on our flag football team also. Remember fondly the little restaurant on the post and the great hamburgers at the off-campus Amer Legion down the road from the exist. We called the area Chocolate Park and I never knew why.

  24. I was an MP from 1986 to 1988. I have great memories of Ft Ritchie. It’s incredibly sad to hear about it’s condition. I hope those I was close to are doing well.

  25. I worked on Ft. Ritchie in 1987 remodeling the family housing units before joining the Marines. I drove through the old Fort 5 years ago, eery to see it abandoned.

  26. I was stationed at Fort Ritchie from 1965-67 great duty worked in communications at the underground site does anyone know how to find the site on the internet would love to see it again.

        • I was stationed at the receiver site, Detachment B, in 1959-1960. Someone might remember me by the car I drove, a copper colored 1953 Studebaker sport coupe. I was the only microwave radio tech. on site. I have many fond memories of my days at Det. B, it was more like a family than a military unit. I visited the site with my son in 1997 while on vacation. The facility, at that time, had been taken over by the MD Dept. of Agriculture. I was able to enter the building that had been the troop billets, orderly room and mess hall and sign the guest book. Someone asked directions to the site, I used to make several trips a week to Boonsboro, and stop at the Red Bird Diner along the way. There is a highway that runs between Boonsboro and Sharpsburg, MD and somewhere along that road on the right when headed to Sharpsburg is a turnoff that takes you over the Burnside Bridge and that little country road winds around and leads right to Det. B.
          Regards, Bill McDunn

  27. I was station at fort Ritchie from. 1973 thru 1975 at the. Avn section we were location at Hagerstown airport , we were located at the Fairchild plant, I lived in waysboro pa. It was a great duty……

  28. I was stationed at Ft Ritchie in 1956 &57. I was an MP/security guard pulling duty at various sites in the area..
    I recently went there and was saddened by it’s condition.


  29. I was stationed at Frt Ritchie in 1968 as a cook. I have a few pictures from that time that might be of interest./Users/Jim/Desktop/img821.jpg/Users/Jim/Desktop/img087.jpg/Users/Jim/Desktop/img086.jpg/Users/Jim/Desktop/img281.jpg

  30. I was assigned to Ft Ritchie in September 1964 from Augsburg, Germany, I had a number of assignments, Family Housing Assignment NCO, Military Personnel and last job before departing for Viet Nam, assigned as the Administrative NCO for the Deputy Commander, Every duty day the Colonel and I would tour the Post. He didn’t miss a thing in regards to insuring Fort Ritchie was the best maintained military post in the Army. I had the pleasure to be assigned to Germany, 3 tours and a number of CONUS duty assignments, but Fort Ritchie was the best. Just a great place to be living and working while serving. Many, many fond memories. My wife and I have visited the Post a couple of times in the last two years, 2014 and 2015. Sad to see how it looks today in comparison to the PRIME years of the past. I will be visiting again and recalling old memories of what Fort Ritchie once was. Why did they do away with golf course? Could have been a money-maker. The Deputy Post Commander I worked for was Colonel Otto Koch. Moved up to Post Commander and then retired. An officer and gentleman.

    • I was there 2-3 times on TDY from the Pentagon, working at Site R. Visited about 4 years ago, couldn’t identify any buildings, the barracks we stayed in were gone, as was the NCO Club. About all I could recognize was the big front gate. It was still good to go back after about 50 years!

  31. I live adjacent to Fort Ritchie. Over the last few years, I’ve seen the deterioration of the historic buildings that once housed one of our greatest generations of warriors. While I do NOT support large development (aka over-development) in this region, I would like to see some form of revitalization of the old fort. The houses and buildings are in total disrepair. They are NOT being maintained, repaired or secured in any way. As a matter of fact, many of the historic properties are physically falling apart. I see kids going in and out of the vacant houses. There are broken windows on the old houses and buildings, graffiti, overgrown vegetation, eroded roads and a general lack of oversight by the corporate property owners. The rental housing at the back of the base has drawn a few “less than favorable” residents. It’s time that the state (or dare I say even the feds) step in and turn the old base around … to take care of it … as part of our American history and local culture.

    • You need to contact the local Historical Society, then they can register it as a Historic Site, when that happens then it will be secured and cared for –
      I sure hope you do it, as this sounds like it should be cared for.

      I used to play in an old antebellum mansion in proper DC and the city sold it to German govt. who tore it down to build their modern embassy : \
      It was from before the Civil War : ( and was TORN down because it was sold to ‘developers’ – a country govt. who did not share in the concept that it was a piece of US history. : (

      Please do what you can to save this before something similar happens to it. It is such a shame when this happens because I for one will never be able to visit that play site from my youth again and the city lost a Antebellum monument. (pre-civil war architecture/ site)

    • Hi Michael,
      I am a photography student in college at University of Maryland looking for a place like this to capture for an upcoming project. I know you last posted in 2015 but I was wondering if there was a way I could get more up to date information on the place. You mentioned that kids were going in; are there ways to get into these abandoned buildings? Are they still there today? My goal is to capture the aesthetic of an abandoned location that has been undervalued. Your mention of this location being part of our American history and local culture makes me feel drawn to capture the message that is conveying. I hope to hear back knowing that this is a long shot.
      Thanks so much!

      • Hi Kevin, you’re right, they are not doing this beautiful old base justice. Our buildings are being vandilized and squatted in, and now our local commissioners are GIVING away the front 63 acres (officers club, lakes, buildings,castle etc) to a international Korean development company as an incentive to sell it. They have no plans that any of the locals are interested in either so it is a mess:( I pray I win the lottery so I can make this a place to remember and honor all of you that protected this mountain and country for so long. We are the ONLY fort that has 1. Sand from D-day at Normandy, 2. A historic parade field and 3. I would love to recreate the mock german village they had during the Ritchie Boy days. We have soooo many military historians in this area being directly between Gettysburg and Antietam but our place goes overlooked. Thank you for your services, as a life long resident I remember how this fort made our little town alive, I hope one day to see it again.

      • Gabrielle, hey there, I’m not sure if you got your info or not by now but I wouldn’t walk through the houses. The sctual property is open and can be driven around in, most parts are closed off by a chain/sign combo. The over grown houses along the top of theleft side driving in are totally not safe though, not only have they not been maintained but they have been open to natures creatures…including humans who are not so nice or safe. This place badly needs help, it was once so beautiful and other then the glaring maintenance issues the property itself is gorgeous. Good luck.

      • Gabrielle,

        Sorry for the delay. We’ve been rather active over the last year trying to force the county to maintain some of the history of the old fort.

        Many of the houses that still stand are structurally unsafe, but that hasn’t stopped people from going inside of them. Unfortunately, the state never maintained most of the old houses and they are falling apart.

        You can freely walk around most of the fort, although several roads have been blocked to vehicular traffic. There are still a small number of people living in the rear housing area.

        I highly recommend visiting Fort Ritchie to capture and preserve what is left of its rich history.

  32. Its not though which is sad to those of us who live on the mountain with it. PenMar does an amazing job at keeping up on it but unfortunately our system allowed someone who only has a residence on the mountain as a “vacation home” stop entire development. Where once our beautiful town was going to give us shops, resturants, schools, family fun and new homes because of this “law suit” the development corp that Pen Mar was working with has lost their contract. The entire 600+ acres of Ritchie is now for sale for 10 Million dollars. The government made no attempt to make sure this beautiful community that hosts one of the major factors of our historical victory in WW2 is preserved, but gave our town back all of the economy it lost as our population dropped by 3/4 of who called this home. I’m sorry to say the answer to that last question is, No. The historical value and beauty are not being honored properly for Camp Ritchie. I wish it were.

  33. In 1961, I was stationed at the Fort Ritchie receiver site near Sharpsburg, MD. What happened to that site and what was its exact highway [road] location? I would love to find it on google maps. Thank you, Jack

    • Jack, I’d google map Sharpsburg Pike and look for any government owned or national park area. That’s where you’d find it:)

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