HomeEarthworksNike Missile Batteries; Forgotten Sentinels of American Cities


Nike Missile Batteries; Forgotten Sentinels of American Cities — 51 Comments

  1. My dad worked at the Waldorf MD Nike missile base. His name was SGT Carl Richard “Dick” Fridley. He was in the National Guard He was there through the 60’s and maybe till 72. They would have huge crab feeds at base and us kids could run around the missiles as they ate and drank lol.

  2. My name is Bill Krohn. I was at D-4-1 from Jan. 1969 to 12 -5-71. I was in the LCT with Tony Cassidy. I remember Mr. Bass Sgt Feikert. Hunter Phil Flowers DC Stud. Ted Choy. Left and went to Korea. Was there for 3 months and got the early out by 6 months. Flew back to America and got out. Also remember John Price up in the IFC. He was a computer operator. Also rember Masters.and Howell.

    • My name is Rich Pignone. I was at D 4 1 from around June 70 until Sep 72. I was a computer operator. I am looking for the name of the guy that was killed in a car wreck in 71 I belive. He was stationed there also. I escorted his body to his home in Covington, KY.

    • My name is Rich Pignone. I was at D 4 1 from 1969-1971. I was a computer operator. I am looking for the soldiers name that died in a car wreck in 1971 I believe. I escorted his body home for the military funeral in Covington,KY. Any help would be appreciated.

  3. I was stationed at “D” Battery, 1st Missile Battalion, 71st Guided Missile Artillery at Fairfax Station, VA in 1958 – 1959 as the engineer section chief and then spent 2 years with the VA National Guard when they took over that site along with the converted Hercules site at Lorton. I was hired by the VANG as the senior engineer and a member of the O.R.E. Team. I met many good men, both RA and NG and would like to contact any who served on either site.

  4. I grew up in the Washington DC suburbs. Circa 1980, my high school friends and I would sneak onto private property and descend into a missile silo somewhere near Centreville, VA — the welded cover had been pried open by someone else. I think it was probably one of these.

    (Not the smartest thing to do, I know.)

    • The Pits were very dangerous for small children simply because they eventually fill with water from the bottom of the elevator to the roof top, without the pump systems running it wouldn’t take but a couple years of normal rains to completely fill one. These Nike Ajax bases are not silos but simply pits with horizontal storage on rails. Not inter continental but short range 90 miles for local defense. Very sparse and not equipped for the missile crews to survive near or on target hits of the launch area. There was only enough rations stored in the firing control room of the pits to last the crew for about two weeks, no water that I ever saw was stored, no bathroom facility and everyone crammed into one very tiny room. The firing was controlled by the battery commander and the only function of the pit arming rooms was to put the system for that specific pit on line for the upper radar control to take over launch and control once topside and raised. There was a pressure system to keep launch gases from entering the pit but I seriously doubt it would keep all of it out, and the smell of ether would be unbearable, our live fire training at white sands was topside and not below in the pits as it would be in a real scenario. Never the less it had to be one of the coolest jobs in the Army and most of us made sure we got as near to our home towns as possible, unfortunately Houston had no Nike Protection so Dallas was as close as I could get in 67. My old base is still intact at the launch area minus the missiles railing and electronics, the hydraulics and pressure system are all exactly as they were left 49 years ago, even the grease bag hanging on my pit wall is still hanging there just like it was left, with some hydraulic repairs and maintenance everything in the pit would probably fire right up without a hitch, worst problem is the elevator door seals are rotted and deteriorated so badly they do not keep hard rains out, the winds have sand blasted the once strong cement topside and now you see grains and grass growing in the cracks and just like that special that showed mother nature reclaiming earth if man was no longer around is spot on, that process has already commenced at my old launch area. ;0)

      • Thanks Tom –

        It must have been some other kind of missile then. It was a vertical silo — perhaps 40 feet deep or more. There was a control room and massive blast doors that were rusted in place (but open).

        I wonder what it was.

  5. M-02 Milwaukee (Brown Deer) Wisconsin now only in memories. Remember when we did radar lock checks and had a bird in the air. Traffic on I-43 would almost wreck while rubber necking..

  6. Enjoyed your site…I was in Dog Battery, 738th NikeAjax battalion. PH-32. We arrived at Fort Dix June 1954 and cleared out a pear orchard just outside of Dix and constructed temporary missile control and launch site. Launch rails were above ground. In July, 1955 the unit moved to Marlton, NJ. I was discharged June first so I never saw the new site.

    Great memories of Red Canyon, Fort Bliss. etc.

  7. Tom Materene, Nike Missile crewman D-50 Dallas Fort Worth AD 1966-67. Site is the last in tact of our Battery, all others have been destroyed. Both Radar and Launch area is exactly like it was left when shut down. Both areas were sold at one time or another and used for several purposes but finally were purchased by two separate real estate developers and the Radar area is now a living compound for one of those people. The launch area is not being lived on and grown over but still as it was the day the last man left.

  8. My dad was a Master Sergent at the Tolchester Beach site. He used to run and repair the radar systems at the edge of the Missile site. I remember the big field that had an underground platform where they kept the missiles. Sometimes they’d run drills and you’d see them raise the launchers with the missiles in them. Never saw them fire them but as stated above they never really had to.

    Tolchester Beach was a really cool place for a young adventurous boy as I was back then.

    • I living right next to the Tolchester Nike Base in 1956-59 and our home was next to the chainlink fence that divided our house from the first section of the base. Right behind us to the side was another section where there were other underground bunkers with one high dirt berm in front and the second berm had a door in it that lead to the actual bunkers. They also had pipes that stuck out of the ground for air, I think. Anyway, I am looking for anyone that might have known our family or myself for that matter. When I read your post I had an interest as I too played in the Chesapeak Bay beach areas and was running around in the forest as well doing what little kids do. We had extended family there with several children. Does our last name of Hoy ring a bell to anyone. There were always military people that hung around my family at that time but my father was already discharged from the Marine’s at that time, so he wasn’t stationed there.

  9. I was in the first group that occupied site C-37, I think, near Cheney, WA. Our group moved in in early 1957. It had just been (nearly) completed. We had to do the lawns ourselves. I was in the IFC area. Went to New Mexico once to fire. I left the Cheney site in mid-1958. Great duty.

  10. I grew up in Albany, Ga., and in the early 70s would ride motorcycles at an abandoned Nike base not far from where I lived. Didn’t really know a lot about it then at that age. Interesting history.

    • If I remember correctly they had Guard Dogs at the Tolchester site that would accompany one or two of the guards on duty. Not sure the exact year I was in Tolchester as I was a little boy then. My dad worked Radar at the site but the guards used to let him fly a little yellow U-Control Plane in the launcher field when they were all underground. If you were one of the guards, I thank you.

    • I was mp there same time period. Don’t remember you. Some other dog handlers were Tom Masters, David Hurt, Sam Lara, etc.

  11. Near the top of the post is a photo of a launchpad in Hampton, VA. There are two former Nike sites in Hampton. Do you know which one is pictured?

  12. Do you have any information on the Palmdale Missile Site on Mt Gleason, part of the LA Defense. I believe the site number was 04. My military unit was Battery D, 1st Missile Battalion, 56th Artillery. It was the highest ADA site in the Army Air Defense Command.
    The IFC (radar) complex was at 6,500 above sea level. As a Captain, I was the Battery Commander from July 1962 until June 1964. I had previously served in the SF area as
    the IFC Platoon Leader, first at Ft Funston (near Olympic CC) which was Battery A, 740th AAA Msl Bn, (Nike Ajax) and then at the Pacifica Site which was Nike Hercules, Battery C, 4th Msl Bn, 61st Arty. Appreciate any info. Dick Jewett, COL (USA RET)
    at the

    • Richard;

      The site area is pretty much abandoned now, it appears to be used for storage or staging area for forest fire fighters. It was a fire camp/correctional facility for many years, but that aspect closed down in the mid-2000s. http://www.ftmac.org/lanike3.htm
      Type “Nike Missile Site LA-04” into Google Earth and you can see what it currently looks like.


      Robert Arance
      Santa Paula, CA

      • I just recalled that the correctional facility and the other buildings there burned during the big fire in the area a few years ago.

    • I was stationed @ LA 94 66 until it was deactivated in the fall of ’68. We shot KDP’s for the tracking radars off the HIPAR radome of 04.

  13. I was stationed in ny80 East Hanover nj in 1972 thru 1973 the closing year. Had the opportunity to go to new Mexico to fire a missile, unit fail safed at about 300 feet sending debris all over as a road guard I dove in a bunker till I could not hear metal zinging in the air.

  14. I worked on a program with NIST in the 90’s and we used one of the retired Nike missile silo’s as a ballistic testing range. I remember going into the silo before they had remodeled, only having flashlights for lighting. It was quite spooky. In time, the put a stairway into the bunker. The elevator still worked as did the ventilation system. Haven’t been back in about 10 years so I don’t know if it’s still being used for some other purpose. Also remember seeing the Radar towers on the CPSC grounds behind a golf course on Route 28 and Muddy Branch Road. Didn’t know what they were initially.



  15. Hi Ben. I’m a photographer and found your great blog when doing some research on Nike missile sites. I did a post on my blog documenting a local Nike missile base in NJ before it was torn down. I was surprised at the overwhelming response it got. Anyway, I wanted to thank you and compliment you on this great blog.

  16. I was stationed at the tolchester Beach Maryland Nike in 1965 and most 1966. Left in August of 1966 and was transferred to Germany to an Honest John rocket system. I was a computer operator in the IFC area of the Tolchester site.

  17. I was stationed at Tolchester Beach md.in 1969-1970 as a Military Police.I have been back several times to the site .I would love to get in touch with some of my fellow comrades.James Shine,Gunter,Lott,Butler.I loved going down to the little town below the site.I cant fine any records f anyone but William Zelazney.Any help would be appreciated.

    • Hello,
      I too lived next to Tolchester and our house was next to the Nike Base. The things that happened there were not military training per se but some military personnel took me underground but yet I was a small little girl. I remember it well and talked with a man that was part of the building of the base. He told me I was discussing confidential secret sections of the base’s layout that he couldn’t talk with me about. Strange

    • I think I have a picture of a William outside of the LCT. I believe he was from the Pittsburg area. Bill Krohn LCT Operator.

  18. Pingback:Fort Hancock; Coastal Defense Through the Nuclear Age | Abandoned Country

  19. Ben,

    You forgot to mention N85! It is located pretty close to you, and it is one of the few sites that still has the towers that elevated the radar domes over the tree line.

    – Jon

    • Thanks for mentioning that Jon. Yes, that one’s right there by PHF. Haven’t seen it myself but explored it on Google Maps. Stay tuned for Monday, I have a bunch mmore up close pictures coming of a well-preserved site in New Jersey.


  20. As an electrician, i restored power to a site in Livingston NJ that was a Nike/Bomarc base now being used as an artists community. Launch hangers and pads still there along with command bunkers now displaying art work.

  21. I grew up a few miles from a Nike site in Rockland County, NY; there’s one in Gaithersburg, MD, that now has a park on it. I think it’s called Missile Park or some such, and my local national guard post is sitting on another one in Laytonsville. I always thought it was very cool that these were still around.

    • Thanks, Janet, for reading and for the comment. Yes, I grew up near some, too, but I never knew they existed until I began this odd quest to find disappearing history.


  22. This discussion intrigued me, because it brought back memories of my Navy days at Patuxent River Naval Air Station. Oddly enough, I live within a mile of the old Battery W-44 Nike site in Waldorf, MD. The site, today, is leased by the Maryland Indian Heritage Society. Native American culture is highlighted here, with regular Pow Wows. I can remember seeing the missiles, as I drove past the site, in the ’69-’71 time frame. Not thinking anything of it, and what it represented, its function is long forgotten. Most around here don’t even know what was once there!

  23. As I surf thr internet it is amazeing to see the interest in the Nike Air Defense System. I spent 4 years at sites in California,Minnesota and Germany. I was in Fire Control ( IFC) and only made it down to launcher a few times. Us radar guys did our job and the guys in the pits did there’s. I recall In December 1967 the spy ship U.S.S. Pueblo was captured off North Korea, many of the guys were home on Christmas leave and we were called to assume alert status. I spent most of the next three days not knowing what was happening looking at a radar counsole. We finialy got a break as they the guys on leave were recalled. Air Defense….It was exciting at times.


  24. Interesting to see some of the remnants of East Coast sites. I have visited all of the Los Angeles area sites, even though several have been built over or demolished by new construction. Most still retain the launch areas and a few of the sites in the mountains became forest ranger and fire fighting camps. When we fist moved to LA in the mid-60s, all of the Hercules sites in the area where still active and some that were located in close proximity to urban areas (Sepulveda Basin, White Point, Torrance Airport) would announce in advance when they would be holding drills. This was not only to keep the locals from being frightened, but also seen as good community relations. We attended a couple of these and it was pretty impressive watching the missiles come up from the magazine, be slid out on the launch rails, and erected into firing position.

    A fact most folks are not aware of, Hercules were armed with nuclear warheads and they were stored on-site . So on any given day, there were more than 100 nuclear weapons stored within 50 miles of downtown LA (or any other major city protected by a Ring Of Steel).

    AFAIK, San Francisco hosts the only Nike site that is open to the public as a museum, SF-88.

    • Thanks very much for the recollections, Robert. I never got to see a drill, but would have liked to. It sounds like it was a sight to behold. And I’m definitely planning on hitting SF-88 next time I’m in San Francisco.


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