HomeGhost townsThe Enchanted Forest; A Dreamland Forsaken and Rescued


The Enchanted Forest; A Dreamland Forsaken and Rescued — 10 Comments

  1. I love checking out old abandoned places. Mental hospitals, homes and old graves but I’ve never been to an old amusement park. Is there a way to get inside so I can get better pics?

  2. I have many photos I have taken of abandoned places around MD, you can check them out on F.B and Flickr. On F.B I have a site called Abandoned Beauty too if you would like to take a look at that and also on Flickr too. Have a great day!

    • Hi, I’m wondering if you have any photos of the Snow White cottage and the Dwarf’s underground diamond mine with the little boat ride? I can’t locate any, but that was my favorite part of the whole park.

      • Ellie, I’ve been looking everywhere for pictures of that diamond mine ride! Also my favorite part. My family doesn’t remember it and I’ve been wondering if it was a dream. Can’t tell you how happy I was to see your comment!! Obvi I don’t have any pics, only memories that now I know are real. Thanks, you made my day 🙂

  3. Pingback:The Enchanted Forest; A Dreamland Forsaken and ...

  4. Thanks for this post. The Enchanted Forest was a special part of my childhood. We made at least three pilgrimages from Richmond, VA, to Maryland to visit this magical place. My childhood photo albums have photos of the Mother Goose ride, the Crooked Man’s House, the Old Woman’s Shoe, the Three Pigs’ houses, etc. In this day of theme parks and mega-rides, it is hard to believe such a simple place could bring back such fond memories.

    My last visit to the Enchanted Forest was in 1987 when I took my own four-year-old for a visit. I doubt she found the place as magical as I did; she has no vivid memories of the visit. By that age, she had already seen King’s Dominion and Busch Gardens, and a ton of Nickelodeon TV, so I doubt that the rundown attractions and bedraggled fairy tale characters made an impression at all.

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