HomeIndiansThe Pamunkey Indian Tribe and the United States Government; A Gesture Long Overdue


The Pamunkey Indian Tribe and the United States Government; A Gesture Long Overdue — 17 Comments

  1. I am looking for anything on Jane the elder Gibson for my husband. She is his 10th great grandmother and I was hoping anyone could help me out

  2. Please feel free to contact me, if there are other ways I can help.
    God Bless
    Shirley Cooper

  3. I am so happy that the Pamunkey Tribe received recognition from the Federal government. When I was their Delegate in the General Assembly of Virginia
    representing the 96th district, we worked on this. That was in the 1990’s. I also for a short period of time, was the Chairman of the Council on Indians in Virginia. The Sharron school, one room school house in King William County was returned to them after we negotiated with King William county. I put in many resolutions in Richmond for the Virginia Tribes. There are 8 Virginia recognized tribes, but this is the first US recognized tribe in Virginia. My sincere blessing to the tribe and leaders.
    Former Delegate Shirley F. Cooper- 96th district

  4. Also, Wendy, meant to say, Angie Adkins, Chickahominy, had a great grandfather James Gibson who married Mattie Moore. He looks just like my Gibsons and my autosomal DNA matches most frequently Moores. My gggggg grandfather was Gilbert Gibson of Louisa Co, VA. He was Indian/white and his neighbors were the Moores. Another neighbor was Thomas Gibson, a Saponi, whose YDNA is an almost perfect match to Gilbert’s. It appears Gilbert was Thomas’ son and Thomas left Louisa Co, VA with many other families to migrate to NC to “live like Indians.” We were assimilated. This is why I am so glad the Pamunkey are still around.

  5. My Great Grandfather is John Temple Collins . His Pamunkey blood runs through me. I know he is with us in spirit and is PROUD just like his children and children’s children to know that the Pamunkey Reservation and it’s people are alive and well and finally getting the recognition and respect that they deserve

  6. Congratulations to the Pamunkey Nation’s self-determination and self-defining moment with the Federal Government! Please do not hold the actions of the Congressional Black Caucus against all of us black Americans. Thank you!

  7. Congratulations on this very important and Historic achievement. It is unfortunate that the First Americans have become the last Americans to gain their rightful place in American history, and even then after having to beg for it, sometimes for generations. Fortunately, we don’t have to wait for the Federal Government to rightly define us. We have a history, and a noble one, that predates those who insist we stand at the gate and beg for an entrance onto the American Landscape. Now the rightful thing to do next, is to grant the other Virginia Tribes their place in the ranks of those who enjoy Federal Recognition.

  8. It’s about time. We have worked on this for so long. I would love to see us getting our Pamunkey Bones and other artifacts that were taken from us. Also cute picture of my son, River Ottigney Cook.

    • Your son looks a lot like my dad and me when we were about that age. When I first saw his photo I was stunned, speechless. River is cute, we know! And, we are biased! We also look like Ken Bradby and many of the living Adkins and my grandfather looked like Peach in some photos and I can see Major Cook’s face in mine some days (lemur like).

      We are of Pamunkey descent – Gibsons, Collinses, Adkins,some relation to the Bradbys from way back (documented through the 1793/1805 Evans’ family slave petition, VA, I think it is in Lunenberg Co – it’s online at Deloris Williams’ website, an Evans and Gibson family genealogist) and on and on.

      We may be related to Pocahontas through the red Bollings as that family as well as the Collinses, Bunches, Turners, Goins, Bramhams and others lived in close proximity and migrated together as a Saponi tribe from Louisa Co, VA to Orange Co, VA in the 1740’s.

      The Pamunkey tribe isn’t interested in our genealogy, but, it’s fascinating. Ever hear of Thomas Gibson of the 1608 Second Supply to Jamestown? He lived among the Pamunkey in 1608, helping to build an European style home for Wahunsonacock. I am quite sure he is my grandfather and by the 1640’s we were mostly Indian, living in Charles City and Surry Counties, VA. I have my Gibsons documented back to the 1640’s into Surry Co, VA (Thomas Gibson/Gibbons born around 1647, apparently a sawyer and cask builder and a participant in Bacon’s Rebellion, and whom I believe is his sister and brother and definitely related to us through DNA testing, Jane Gibson the Elder, Indian Woman and her younger brother George Gibson)and later we migrated to NC (not my direct line) and were Indian traders in Orange Co, NC and later as that line fanned out into TN and KY, known as melungeons.

      My gggggg grandfather was Gilbert Gibson of Henrico and Louisa Counties and the earliest public record on him was being paid for wolf trapping in Henrico County in the late 1690’s. He was a “star” in Louisa Co, VA public records after that, always in some kind of trouble, like being whipped in his sixties for selling liquor without a license or trying to run out of town with his household goods and owing money. He was colourful to say the least.

      Many of your tribal photos from the late 1800’s and early 1900’s resemble my family members.

      It’s a small “New” world!

      I am completely supportive of federal recognition. The Pamunkey took the big hit from the Jamestown settlers and did keep the idiots alive, along with Smith’s soldiering methods.

      It’s all a sad history and I feel very ambivalent about it, but, I am of mixed bloods, so understandable. I try to see the good that came out of it, but, it wasn’t so good for the Indians and my heritage was pretty much done in by genocide. But, we are in this world and must go on with the highest thought we can.

      Perhaps some day I will visit the Pamunkey, but, I am a long way from VA, in Maine, living near the Penobscot. All of my nieces are of Penobscot descent.

      Best wishes to you and the tribe. I just wish you all would somehow recognize those of us who are also of Pamunkey descent.

        • Wendy, just found your comment. My email address is: [email protected] I am more than happy to send along to you old photos of my Gibson family if you could email me. We apparently descend from the parents of Jane Gibson the Elder, Indian Woman, of Charles City Co, VA, born in the 1640’s. Her brother I am quite sure was Thomas Gibson/Gibbons, born around 1647 of Surry Co, VA (he was an Indian-white fellow and my documented grandfather). Her descendants are the Evans (Evans’ Family Slave Petition of the late 1700’s) and Mingo Jackson, aka Thomas Gibson – he was related to my Gibsons of Louisa Co, VA, and autosomal DNA showed relation. The petition states these people as being related to the Scott, Bradbys and Redcrosses aka Evans. I am wondering if one of the early Bradbys married a Gibson/Evans descendant, as I am told there was a marriage to a Chickahominy woman in the early 1700’s by First Emigrant Bradby’s son and I believe Jane Gibson the Elder may have been Chickahominy based on where she was living at the time of her death in the 1720’s. Caroline Bradby (Chief George Major Cook’s mother) had a brother named Evans Bradby and Caroline looks like us as do several Pamunkey tribal members from photos in the early 1900’s and earlier. (We Gibsons have loads of Georges in our line, back several hundred years and it is not a common name in many families.) Your son reminds me of my dad when he was a boy and Dad looks like Union Collins when Union was a boy, classic male Gibson features. The Gibsons and Collins have intermarried for centuries. We were the last of the Saponi…..

          • You said Dad Looks like Union Collins when Union was a boy. What did you base that comment on?
            Was this Union the son Of Wyld Wynn [sp.] Collins?

      • Jane Gibson the Elder was my 9th great-grandmother. Her gggg-granddaugher, Mary Evans, was the daughter of Thomas Evans and Elizabeth Gatewood. Mary was born Abt. 1757 in Amherst County, VA. She was “married” David Bly. There is no marriage bond due to the anti-miscegenation law of 1691. They had a son named John, born December 23, 1780. David bought land from William Gatewood, and David and Mary were neighbors of Stanhope Evans.

        Eventually, David moved his wife and son near Lexington, Kentucky. On August 3, 1788, he sold land in that area to William Gatewood, Jr. I have the record of the deed. David passed away in 1800 in Madison County. Mary passed away in 1813 in nearby Bath County, Kentucky. I proved it all with land deeds. I know back then that they kept the land in the family.

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